Computer Repairs Modbury

CK Computers provides computer & laptop repairs in Modbury for all major brands. Call today to make an appointment with an expert computer technician!
Professional & honest IT support at your Adelaide home or office.
Need computer repairs in Modbury? CK Computers provides expert same day onsite computer or laptop help and PC services throughout Adelaide Metro.
CK Computers provides Modbury with computer repair services to homes or businesses in need of quick, affordable computer help. Our Adelaide computer technicians will troubleshoot your tech problems to get to the root of the problem, whether it’s a hardware or software issue. A on-site technical support is available on weekdays, evenings, and weekends, so you’ll never feel disconnected again!
You can trust our computer repair professionals with computers, laptops or mobile phones of any brand. Apple, Leader, Asus, Samsung, Acer, and Toshiba are among the many brands that we service. Whether its spyware removal, Windows support, Windows installation, or even software troubleshooting, we offer a variety of home and office computer services in addition to computer repairs. Days, evenings, even weekends. We are trusted, delivering technical support to you at your convenience.
Proudly Australian owned and operated. So if you need fast, reliable home or office computer support in Modbury, our Professionals are highly skilled PC, laptop and Mac technicians. Remember, whether you need help with WiFi network configuration or recovery of deleted files, CK Computers can do it all.
What services we provide?
Our expert technicians can help you with anything, from removing viruses to setting up networks and printers. We guarantee that we can find a solution to your problem or you don’t pay – it’s simple. NO FIX NO FEE!
A brief list of the kind of services we provide:
Speed up your computer or laptop.
Virus and spyware removal.
Setup a backup for your important files.
Recover lost or deleted data.
Configure a network to share files and printers.
Set up new equipment, including laptops, consoles, tablets and smart phones.
Repair laptops and desktops.
Fix or replace broken hardware.
If you can’t see the problem you are facing listed here, don’t worry; we probably can still help you.
Give us a call and we will discuss your needs: 0434 385 444.

Computer and PC repairs across the Adelaide region Adelaide North Adelaide Auldana Beaumont Beulah Park Burnside Dulwich Eastwood Erindale Frewville Glen Osmond Glenside Glenunga Hazelwood Park Kensington Gardens Kensington Park Leabrook Leawood Gardens Linden Park Magill Mount Osmond Rose Park Rosslyn Park Skye St Georges Stonyfell Toorak Gardens Tusmore Waterfall Gully Wattle Park Athelstone Campbelltown Hectorville Magill Newton Paradise Rostrevor Tranmere Albert Park Allenby Gardens Athol Park Beverley Bowden Brompton Cheltenham Croydon Devon Park Findon Flinders Park Fulham Gardens Grange Hendon Henley Beach Henley Beach South Hindmarsh Kidman Park Kilkenny Ovingham Pennington Renown Park Ridleyton Rosewater Royal Park Seaton Semaphore Park St Clair Tennyson Welland West Beach West Croydon West Hindmarsh West Lakes West Lakes Shore Woodville Woodville North Woodville Park Woodville South Woodville West Bibaringa Evanston Evanston Gardens Evanston Park Evanston South Gawler Gawler East Gawler South Gawler West Hillier Kudla Willaston Brighton Glenelg Glenelg East Glenelg North Glenelg South Hove Kingston Park North Brighton Seacliff Seacliff Park Somerton Park South Brighton Ascot Park Clovelly Park Darlington Dover Gardens Edwardstown Glandore Glengowrie Hallett Cove Marino Marion Mitchell Park Morphettville O'Halloran Hill Oaklands Park Park Holme Plympton Park Seacliff Park Seacombe Gardens Seacombe Heights Seaview Downs Sheidow Park South Plympton Sturt Tonsley Trott Park Warradale Bedford Park Belair Bellevue Heights Blackwood Brown Hill Creek Clapham Clarence Gardens Colonel Light Gardens Coromandel Valley Crafers West Craigburn Farm Cumberland Park Daw Park Eden Hills Glenalta Hawthorn Hawthorndene Kingswood Leawood Gardens Lower Mitcham Lynton Melrose Park Mitcham Netherby Panorama Pasadena Springfield St Marys Stirling Torrens Park Upper Sturt Urrbrae Westbourne Park College Park Evandale Felixstow Firle Glynde Hackney Heathpool Joslin Kensington Kent Town Marden Marryatville Maylands Norwood Payneham Payneham South Royston Park St Morris St Peters Stepney Trinity Gardens Aberfoyle Park Aldinga Aldinga Beach Blewitt Springs Chandlers Hill Cherry Gardens Christie Downs Christies Beach Clarendon Coromandel East Coromandel Valley Darlington Dorset Vale Flagstaff Hill Hackham Hackham West Happy Valley Huntfield Heights Ironbank Kangarilla Lonsdale Maslin Beach McLaren Flat McLaren Vale Moana Morphett Vale Noarlunga Centre Noarlunga Downs O'Halloran Hill O'Sullivan Beach Old Noarlunga Old Reynella Onkaparinga Hills Port Noarlunga Port Noarlunga South Port Willunga Reynella Reynella East Seaford Seaford Heights Seaford Meadows Seaford Rise Sellicks Beach Sellicks Hill Tatachilla The Range Whites Valley Willunga Willunga South Woodcroft Andrews Farm Angle Vale Bibaringa Blakeview Buckland Park Craigmore Davoren Park Edinburgh North Elizabeth Elizabeth Downs Elizabeth East Elizabeth Grove Elizabeth North Elizabeth Park Elizabeth South Elizabeth Vale Evanston Park Eyre Gould Creek Hillbank Hillier Humbug Scrub MacDonald Park Munno Para Munno Para West Munno Para Downs One Tree Hill Penfield Penfield Gardens Riverlea Park Sampson Flat Smithfield Smithfield Plains Uleybury Virginia Waterloo Corner Yattalunga Alberton Angle Park Birkenhead Blair Athol Broadview Clearview Croydon Park Dernancourt Devon Park Dry Creek Dudley Park Enfield Ethelton Exeter Ferryden Park Gepps Cross Gilles Plains Gillman Glanville Greenacres Hampstead Gardens Hillcrest Holden Hill Kilburn Klemzig Largs Bay Largs North Lightsview Manningham Mansfield Park Northfield Northgate North Haven Oakden Osborne Ottoway Outer Harbor Peterhead Port Adelaide Queenstown Regency Park Rosewater Sefton Park Semaphore Semaphore South Taperoo Valley View Walkley Heights Windsor Gardens Wingfield Woodville Gardens Broadview Collinswood Fitzroy Medindie Gardens Nailsworth Prospect Ovingham Sefton Park Thorngate Bolivar Brahma Lodge Burton Cavan Dry Creek Direk Edinburgh Elizabeth Vale Globe Derby Park Green Fields Gulfview Heights Ingle Farm Mawson Lakes Parafield Parafield Gardens Paralowie Para Hills Para Hills West Para Vista Pooraka Salisbury Salisbury Downs Salisbury East Salisbury Heights Salisbury North Salisbury Park Salisbury Plain Salisbury South St Kilda Valley View Walkley Heights Waterloo Corner Banksia Park Dernancourt Fairview Park Gilles Plains Golden Grove Gould Creek Greenwith Gulfview Heights Highbury Holden Hill Hope Valley Houghton Modbury Modbury Lights Modbury North Para Hills Redwood Park Ridgehaven St Agnes Salisbury Heights Surrey Downs Tea Tree Gully Upper Hermitage Valley View Vista Wynn Vale Yatala Vale Black Forest Clarence Park Everard Park Forestville Fullarton Goodwood Highgate Hyde Park Kings Park Malvern Millswood Myrtle Bank Parkside Unley Unley Park Wayville Adelaide Airport Ashford Brooklyn Park Camden Park Cowandilla Fulham Glandore Glenelg North Hilton Keswick Keswick Terminal Kurralta Park Lockleys Marleston Mile End Mile End South Netley North Plympton Novar Gardens Plympton Richmond Thebarton Torrensville Underdale West Beach West Richmond Gilberton Medindie Vale Park Walkerville